Werewolves of the Dark Arts: Identification Phase

Identification Phase


Identification Phase Basics

The Identification Phase is the first thing done in every game. The cards are distributed, and all of the players go to sleep (close their eyes). The Town Mayor then calls for specific roles to open their eyes and perform an action. Often times this is simply providing them with information of who their allies are, though a few get to execute a special ability.

Many roles will never be called on in either the Night Phase or the Identification Phase. For those roles, a beginner group may consider calling on the included roles to open their eyes one at a time to confirm they know what role they have. Do not do this for Villagers or Heretics.

This list may seem overwhelming, but only the cards you have included in the current round's deck need to be called on. Call the cards in the order they are listed; omit cards that you're not using. The call order is important, and calling cards outside of this order can disrupt the Identification Phase. As you become more comfortable with how the game plays, feel free to work in more special cards.

One last note: wording is extremely important. These phrases are written to provide as little information to those asleep under as many circumstances as possible. While spicing things up is encouraged, you should be very careful to not change the phrasing in a way that would provide information to the village. This becomes even more important when playing a Mystery or No-Reveal Game, and it's suggested to keep these things in mind even during basic games.

Beginning of the Identification Phase

The Identification Phase begins after all players have received and looked at their cards. Once they receive their card, they should place it face down in front of them. Have everyone close their eyes and 'go to sleep'. If at any point when you call a card and no one opens their eyes to claim that role, have everyone open their eyes and look once again at their cards. Emphasize that they should not make any noises such as "Oh!" during this re-check. Then, have them close their eyes and return to where you were at.


- "Gravedigger, open your eyes. This is your allegiance."
- "Gravedigger, close your eyes."

Give the Gravedigger a thumbs up if he is on the side of the Villagers or a thumbs down if he is on the side of the Werewolves. If he does not understand your hand gesture, state aloud what both mean. When he has acknowledged your hand gesture, have him close his eyes. You may also want to emphasize that the Gravedigger is not allowed to watch during the Identification Phase.


- "Turncoat, open your eyes and choose your allegience."
- "Turncoat, close your eyes."

When the Turncoat opens his eyes, have him give you either a thumbs up, choosing the side of the Villagers, or a thumbs down, choosing the side of the Werewolves. If he does not indicate an allegience, state this information aloud. When he has provided you with a hand gesture, have him close his eyes.


- "Werewolves, open your eyes and identify each other."
- "Werewolves, close your eyes."

Have the Werewolves open their eyes and make eye contact with the other Werewolves. If they are unsure how many other people they are looking for, hold up a number of fingers equal to the total number of Werewolves.

Cult Leader

If there is no Cult Leader in the deck:
- "Werewolves, close your eyes."

If there is a Cult Leader in the deck:
- "Werewolves, keep your eyes open. Cult Leader open your eyes."
- "Cult Leader and Werewolves, close your eyes."

When a Cult Leader is present, keep the Werewolves awake and have the Cult Leader acknowledge each of the Werewolves. Once this has been done, have the Cult Leader and the Werewolves close their eyes.


If there is only one Cultist:
- "Cultist, open your eyes. These are your Werewolves."
- "Cultist, close your eyes."

If there is more than one Cultist:
- "Cultists, open your eyes and identify each other."
- "These are your Werewolves."
- "Cultists, close your eyes."

When the Cultists open their eyes, first have them identify each other if there are multiple Cultists in play. When they have done so, point the Werewolves out to them. Be careful not to give the Werewolves away to those still sleeping with air movement or sounds. If you have forgotten who the Werewolves are, have the Cultists first return to sleep, then ask the Werewolves to open their eyes again so you can confirm who is a Werewolf. Have them close their eyes, and wake the Cultists up again to inform them. After the Cultists have taken note of who the Werewolves are, have them close their eyes.

Stone Mason

- "Stone Masons, open your eyes and identify each other."
- "Stone Masons, close your eyes."

Have the Stone Masons open their eyes and make eye contact with the other Stone Masons. If they are unsure how many other people they are looking for, hold up a number of fingers equal to the total number of Stone Masons. Once this has been done, have them close their eyes.

Seer & Scryer

If there is no Scryer:
You do not need to call on the Seer unless you want to confirm that the Seer is aware of what role she have.

If there is a Scryer:
- "Seer, open your eyes."
- "Seer, keep your eyes open. Scryer, open your eyes and identify the Seer."
- "Seer and Scryer, close your eyes."

When playing with the Scryer in addition to the Seer, have the Seer first open her eyes, then the Scryer open his eyes. Have them identify each other. Then, have them both close their eyes.


- "Were-Hamster, open you eyes."
- "Were-Hamster, close your eyes."

When playing with the Were-Hamster, take special note of who he is. You will need to keep track of his identity for the whole game. It is important that you do not forget who he is. If the Werewolves target the Were-Hamster, he will not die that night. Failure to remember this will result in an unfair death for the Were-Hamster. Once you have made sure of who he is, have him close his eyes.


- "Matchmaker, open your eyes and choose two people to be Lovers."
- "Matchmaker, close your eyes."

The Matchmaker is asked to point to two people to pair together. Confirm her selections, and then have her close her eyes.

Matchmaker's Lovers

- "Everyone place a hand out in front of you. I will now tap the two people chosen to be Lovers. Do not open your eyes yet."
- "Everyone can put their hands down. Will the two people I tapped please open your eyes and identify each other."
- "Lovers, close your eyes."

The majority of the first line is to give verbal filler while you walk around the circle at least once to tap the chosen people. Make sure to walk in a complete circle so the other players are not sure where the Lovers are seated. Once you've gone around at least once, have everyone put their hands down and then ask the two that you tapped to open their eyes and acknowledge each other. Inform them of their additional role. When this is done, have them close their eyes. Note that they only know who each other are, not what each other are.


- "Mystic, open your eyes. Would you like to copy the identity of the next person to be lynched?"
- "Mystic, close your eyes."

To ensure the Mystic gets a chance to use her power, she is given an opportunity to copy someone during the Identification Phase. The Mystic is asked if she wants to become the person who is lynched next. She may only say yes to this once. If she says yes, she will make note of the identity revealed during the next lynching. This question is asked even after she has said yes, but she may not say yes a second time. If playing a No-Reveal game, note that this card is handled differently.


- "Oracle, open your eyes, and choose someone to Curse."
- "Oracle, close your eyes."

To ensure the Oracle gets a chance to use her power, she is given an opportunity to Curse someone during the Identification Phase. Have the Oracle point to someone to Curse. For the Identification Phase, this choice is only important if she is lynched during the first Day Phase.


- "Crone, open your eyes, and choose someone to Silence."
- "Crone, close your eyes.

While the Mystic and the Oracle are called to ensure they get a chance to use their power, the Crone is given an opportunity to Silence someone during the Identification Phase simply because it's fun and evil. Have the Crone point to someone to Silence. After the Crone has chosen her victim, tap that person and announce that they have been Silenced. The Silenced player may not accuse anyone or speak, but they are permitted to vote. The village has their eyes closed and only knows the general location of where the Silenced player is sitting. This helps deter harassment towards those that get Silenced.

End of the Identification Phase

When all included characters have been called, have the village open their eyes. At this point, explain that the Town Mayor (the GM) has been killed with evidence pointing to Werewolves, and the village is now in chaos due to the lack of a leader. The village has decided that random lynchings are the best way to find and kill the Werewolves plaguing the town. Gameplay proceeds to the first Day Phase.