Werewolves of the Dark Arts: Night Phase

Night Phase


Night Phase Basics

The Night Phase is the half of the game where everyone is asleep - except for those who secretly have some creeping around to do. Not all roles who act at night are evil! Many are working tirelessly to protect their fellow Villagers in the cover of darkness. Roles that have a nighttime ability are called on by the Town Mayor (GM) to perform whatever action is on their card, and then they are sent back to sleep. This is done in a specific order, as some abilities may change the outcome of other role's activities. If a card is not listed, that means it is not called during this Phase.

It is critically important that these Night Phase activities remain silent. A player making a selection should communicate with the GM through pointing and the use of thumbs up and thumbs down. Players who communicate at night may do so with gestures, sign language, lip reading, or some other means as long as it makes no sound. It is important for the GM to not direct his or her voice at specific players; the location of the Werewolf or another card may be accidentally given away by the direction of their voice. It is equally important that the GM be mindful of keeping their note-taking activity silent. The click of a pen or the sound of writing can alert the sleeping villagers that something has changed.

This list may seem overwhelming, but only the cards you have included in the current round's deck need to be called on. Simply omit cards that you're not using. As you become more comfortable with how the game plays, feel free to work in more special cards.

One last note: wording is extremely important. These phrases are written to provide as little information to those asleep under as many circumstances as possible. While spicing things up is encouraged, you should be very careful to not change the phrasing in a way that would provide information to the village. This becomes even more important when playing a Mystery or No-Reveal Game, and it's suggested to keep these things in mind even during basic games.

Beginning of the Night Phase

"Village, the day is over, and it is time to go to sleep."

The GM can can say just about anything they want here as long as it gets the point across. It is important to make sure that everyone has their eyes closed before calling the different roles, even if they would be the first person to open their eyes back up.

Hunter (Early Night Phase)

Unless you are playing with No-Reveal rules, skip this call. If this is a No-Reveal game, please see the No-Reveal Page.


- "Turncoat, open your eyes. This is your current allegiance. Would you like to change allegiances?"
- "Turncoat, close your eyes."

Each night, show the Turncoat his current allegiance. Give him a thumbs up if he is currently good and a thumbs down if he is currently evil. Ask the Turncoat if he would like to switch sides. A thumbs up means he switches allegiances. If he gave a thumbs up the previous night, you must still ask, but he should understand that he cannot change sides two nights in a row. Regardless of his answer, merely nod your head acknowledging his choice, and then ask him to close his eyes.


- "Warlock, open your eyes and choose someone to Hex."
- "Warlock, close your eyes."

Each night, ask the Warlock to point to someone that he would like to Hex. Make a mental note of who was Hexed, and if that person opens their eyes during that night, have your arms crossed in an X in front of you when calling out their script as normal. This will tell that person that they are Hexed; this means that their ability does not work for that single night. Note that the Werewolves cannot be Hexed. If the Gravedigger is Hexed, tap the Gravedigger to let him know that he has been Hexed and should not open his eyes during a future nighttime event. The Warlock cannot choose the same person two nights in a row, and if he insists on trying to do so, nonchalantly repeat to him that he is unable to do so. "Remember, the Warlock cannot Hex the same person two nights in a row." Once he has chosen someone to Hex and you have confirmed their choice, have him close his eyes.


- "Mystic, open your eyes. Would you like to copy the identity of the next person to be lynched?"
- "Mystic, close your eyes."

Each night, the Mystic is asked if she wants to become the person who is next lynched. She may only say yes to this once. If she says yes, she will make note of the identity revealed during the next lynching. This question is asked even after she has said yes, but she may not say yes a second time. If using No-Reveal Rules, see this page for what to do differently.

If she has copied a role with a night time ability, she will open her eyes instead when that role is called. If she copied a role that knows the identities of other characters, during the Mystic call following her use of her copy ability, discreetly tap the other players who need to open their eyes and acknowledge the Mystic's new identity and/or point out the players the Mystic knows. For example, if the Mystic becomes a Cultist, first tap the other Cultists and have them acknowledge the Mystic, and then point out the identities of the remaining Werewolves to the Mystic. This is, again, done silently during the Mystic call on the following night.


- "Hierophant, open your eyes. This is how many evil characters are still alive."
- "Hierophant, close your eyes."

Each night, show the Hierophant how many players with evil-aligned cards are still alive. If this is a No-Reveal game, please see this page for additional tips on handling this role. When playing with standard rules or a set of alternate rules besides No-Reveal, remember how many of each alignment you started with, subtract the number of evil cards that have been killed from the total at the start of the game, and display this number to the Hierophant using hand signals. Remember, the Hierophant is shown how many evil characters are alive. When finished, ask her to close her eyes.

The Hierophant is intended for Mystery and No-Reveal games and is not very useful in her contributions outside of those settings.

It should be noted that the number of evil-aligned cards will not necessarily be the remainder from calculating the number of good-aligned cards - wildcards (pink background cards) are neither good nor evil and are not counted in either tally.


- "Necromancer, open your eyes. This is how many good characters are still alive."
- "Necromancer, close your eyes."

Each night, show the Necromancer how many players with good-aligned cards are still alive. If this is a No-Reveal game, please see this page for additional tips on handling this role. When playing with standard rules or a set of alternate rules besides No-Reveal, remember how many of each alignment you started with, subtract the number of good cards that have been killed from the total at the start of the game, and display this number to the Necromancer using hand signals. Remember, the Necromancer is shown how many good characters are alive. When finished, ask her to close her eyes.

The Necromancer is intended for Mystery and No-Reveal games and is not very useful in her contributions outside of those settings.

It should be noted that the number of good-aligned cards will not necessarily be the remainder from calculating the number of evil-aligned cards - wildcards (pink background cards) are neither good nor evil and are not counted in either tally.


If there is only one Werewolf:
- "Werewolf, open your eyes and choose someone to kill."
- "Werewolf, close your eyes."

If there is more than one Werewolf:
- "Werewolves, open your eyes, and decide on someone to kill."
- "Werewolves, close your eyes."

Each night, the Werewolves will come to a decision on a single person to kill. Once they have all come to an agreement, confirm their choice. Make a mental note of who they picked out. If it happens to be the Were-Hamster, do not communicate this to the Werewolves - they do not get to make a different kill. If it is the Apothecary, the Werewolves will not be able to kill on the next night and will instead be shown an X.


- "Devil, open your eyes and choose someone to kill."
- "Devil, close your eyes."

Each night, the Devil must make a kill. Confirm his choice, make a note of it, and have him close his eyes. If he happens to pick the same person the Werewolves chose, he does not get to make a different choice.


- "Shaman, open your eyes. This is tonight's Totem. Please select someone to give it to."
- "Shaman, close your eyes."

Each night, draw a Totem card at random from the stack of Totems. Make sure that you have all 7 Totems in the stack before selecting one. When showing the Totem to the Shaman, be careful not to get so close that other sleeping villagers can deduce who the Shaman is. Once the Shaman knows which Totem he needs to hand out, have him point to someone to be its new owner. Confirm his choice and have the Shaman close his eyes. When handing the Totem to the player, tap them, announce they have received a Totem. "You have received a Totem." Place it on the floor next to their role card. Then, make a note of who got what Totem if it will have any influence on the next day or night.

Crazed Shaman

- "Crazed Shaman, open your eyes. These are your three Totems. Please choose up to three people to get a Totem."
- "Crazed Shaman, close your eyes."

Each night, draw three Totem cards at random from the stack of Totems. Make sure that you have all 7 Totems in the stack before selecting one unless the Shaman is also in play. When showing the Totems to the Crazed Shaman, be careful not to get so close that other sleeping villagers can deduce who the Crazed Shaman is. Once the Crazed Shaman knows which Totems he needs to hand out, have him point to up to three people to be their new owners. Confirm his choices and have the Crazed Shaman close his eyes. When handing the Totems to the players, shuffle the Totems that need handed out, select one, then tap the player, announce they have received a Totem. "You have received a Totem." Place it on the floor next to their role card. When done handing out Totems to each player that was selected, make a note of who got what Totem if it will have any influence on the next day or night.


- "Bodyguard, open your eyes and choose someone to protect."
- "Bodyguard, close your eyes."

Each night, the Bodyguard points to someone he wants to protect. He is allowed to point to himself, but he may not point to the same person two nights in a row. If he insists on trying to do this, nonchalantly remind him that he cannot do so. "Remember, the Bodyguard cannot protect the same person two nights in a row." The Bodyguard protects the chosen person from all forms of death. Once he has chosen someone to protect and you have confirmed his choice, have him close his eyes.


- "Witch, open your eyes. This is who may die tonight. Would you like to use your healing potion?"
- "Would you like to use your poison potion?"
- "Witch, close your eyes."

Each night, the Witch is asked if she would like to use her potions. First, point out those who are set to die to the Witch. That includes both the Werewolves' and the Devil's selections, as well as the owner of the Totem of Death if it was handed out. If the Werewolves chose the Were-Hamster, or the Bodyguard successfully protected to someone who was targeted, you must still point them out as targeted deaths.

Once the Witch is shown who may by dying, ask her if she would like to use her healing potion. If she nods or give a thumbs up, note that the person is protected. If there is more than one victim, make a shrugging motion and point at each of the targeted victims. The Witch should then point to one of them. Then, ask if the Witch would like to use her poison potion. If she nods or give a thumbs up, shrug to indicate that she should then point to her intended victim. Confirm who she selected, and finally ask her to close her eyes.

Note that the Witch can do these two actions only once each. Once she has used a potion, it is gone for the remainder of the game. That does not mean that you can stop calling out that potion. Each must be called out every night to ensure that the other villagers do not actually know that the potions have been used. Additionally, the Witch is extra particular about wording in the script. Never say 'these are the people that may die tonight' to avoid letting the village know that there are multiple deaths versus just one. Extra time must always be given to give the impression that the Witch is potentially making use of her ability each night.


- "Oracle, open your eyes, and choose someone to Curse."
- "Oracle, close your eyes."

Each night, the Oracle points to someone she wants to Curse. Confirm her choice. The Oracle's Curse will only be relevant is she is going to be dying that night. If she will be dying, make a note of the Cursed player; if she will live through the night, just confirming her choice is enough. Have her close her eyes. She can choose to Curse person multiple nights in a row if she thinks that person is suspicious.


- "Mortician, open your eyes. These are the causes of death for tonight."
- "Mortician, close your eyes."

Each night, the Mortician is shown the Marks of Death cards that indicate the different causes of the night's deaths. If multiple roles target the same victim, use the following order of Mark: Werewolf, Hunter, Devil. The Mark of the Werewolf gets priority over all other marks. The Witch will never target the same as one of the others. For example, if the Werewolf and Devil both target the same person, the Mark of the Werewolf is the only card shown to the Mortician.

Note that the Mortician sees absolute deaths, not targeted deaths (i.e. he is only shown people who will 100% for sure die, not just people that other players wanted to kill but were prevented from doing so). When showing the Marks of Death cards to the Mortician, be careful not to get so close that other sleeping villagers can deduce who the Mortician is. Once the Mortician has acknowledged that he has seen the Marks of Death cards, have him close his eyes.

Following the script is important for this role. Always use the plural form so the village will not know if one or multiple people are dying. "These are the causes of death for tonight."

The Mortician is intended for Mystery and No-Reveal games and is not very useful in his contributions outside of those settings.


- "Scryer, open your eyes. This is who will die tonight."
- "Seer, open your eyes and communicate with the Scryer."
- "Scryer, close your eyes."

Each night, the Scryer is shown which people will die tonight. Note that he is shown the absolute deaths, not the targeted deaths. For example, if the Werewolves targeted the Were-Hamster, the Were-Hamster will not be dying and therefore will not be shown to the Scryer. Likewise, if someone was saved by the Witch's healing potion, they will not be shown to the Scryer. Point to the people who will be dying that night. Confirm that he knows who you pointed at. The script is the same regardless of how many people are actually dying. It is important to use an uncountable noun to hide the actual number of deaths from the village. Have him keep his eyes open, and call the Seer.

The Scryer and the Seer are given a brief moment to communicate. During this time, he should inform her of who will die and then take a moment to exchange other information and strategy. Limit this time to less than one minute. Note that if either the Scryer or the Seer are Hexed, they may not communicate with each other. When their time is up, have the Scryer close his eyes.

There is a subtle advantage to knowing who will be dying before the official reveal during the Day Phase, and it is recommended that the Scryer continue to be called even without a living Seer.


Continued from Scryer:
- "Seer, choose someone to investigate."
- "Seer, close your eyes."

If there is no Scryer:
- "Seer, open your eyes and choose someone to investigate"
- "Seer, close your eyes."

Each night, the Seer points to someone to determine if they are a Werewolf. When you have confirmed her choice, give her a thumbs up if she pointed to a Werewolf. Otherwise, give her a thumbs down. Ensure that she correctly interprets your hand gesture and have her close her eyes.


- "Sorceress, open your eyes and choose someone to investigate."
- "Sorceress, close your eyes."

Each night, the Sorceress points to someone to determine if they are the Seer. When you have confirmed her choice, give her a thumbs up if she pointed to the Seer. Otherwise, give her a thumbs down. Ensure that she correctly interprets your hand gesture and have her close her eyes. Continuing to call the Sorceress after the Seer is dead is not necessary, but be sure and remind the village that the Sorceress is still alive.


- "Were-Gerbil, open your eyes and choose someone to investigate."
- "Were-Gerbil, close your eyes."

Each night, the Were-Gerbil points to someone to determine if they are the Were-Hamster. When you have confirmed her choice, give her a thumbs up if she pointed to the Were-Hamster. Otherwise, give her a thumbs down. Ensure that she correctly interprets your hand gesture and have her close her eyes. If she successfully pointed to the Were-Hamster and both characters live to the start of the next Day Phase, a win condition is met. Gameplay proceeds to the Final Reveal Phase after announcing the deaths.


- "Crone, open your eyes, and choose someone to Silence."
- "Crone, close your eyes."

Each night, the Crone points to someone she wants to Silence. She is allowed to point to herself, but she may not point to the same person two nights in a row. If she insists on trying to do this, nonchalantly remind her that she cannot do so. "Remember, the Crone cannot Silence the same person two nights in a row." Once she has chosen someone to Silence and you have confirmed her choice, have her close her eyes.

Once the Crone has closed her eyes, walk over to the person that was Silenced and tap them, announcing to the village that they have been Silenced. "You have been Silenced." Those nearby will have an idea of who was Silenced, while those further away will only know it was someone on the other side of the room.


- "Magistrate, open your eyes, and choose someone to secretly accuse."
- "Magistrate, close your eyes."

Each night, the Magistrate points to someone that will be immediately nominated and forced to defend themselves when the Day Phase begins, before players have a chance to discuss the deaths of the night. The deaths occur first, and if the person that was chosen is one of those that died, then the Day Phase proceeds as normal.

Master of Teleportation

To the Master of Teleportation:
- "Master of Teleportation, open your eyes, and choose any two people to teleport, dead or alive." (The GM can say whatever line they want here as long as it gets the point across.)
- "Master of Teleportation, close your eyes."

To the two selected to teleport:
- "You must now change places. Take your card with you and make sure you do not reveal it to anyone as you switch."

Each night, the Master of Teleportation points to two people who are playing the game. They can be alive or dead because people love getting to do something when deceased. This card is here for fun, after all. When you have confirmed his choices, have him close his eyes. Tap the two players that must now switch seats. Remind them to take their card with them, and make sure that they are not accidentally revealing it to each other while they move

Hunter (Ending Night Phase)

Unless you are playing with No-Reveal rules, you should skip this call. If this is a No-Reveal game, please see the No-Reveal Page.

End of the Night Phase

At this point, have everyone open their eyes. Gameplay again proceeds to the Day Phase.